Jesus said,
"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” (Matthew 8:20)
and Paul urged,
".. let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together .... but encouraging one another..."
(Hebrews 10:24-25)
Please note our new, limited time only page explaining how Cursillo aligns with the Hope25 initiative.
Please find below a list of Cursillo 3 Day 'Weekends' and other events
that are planned for 2025.
If you would like to have an event in your Diocese added, please contact the Web Coordinator via
Visiting another Diocese?
Check their website or contact details on the Home page to see if they're hosting an ultreya while you're there.
National Cursillo Secretariat Meeting 2025
The next National Cursillo gathering is to be held in Launceston, Tasmania from October 24-26th, 2025. The programme will include a special ultreya to celebrate 30 years of Cursillo in Tasmania. You don't have to be an official delegate to attend the gathering (and certainly not to attend the ultreya!) - guests / observers are warmly welcomed.
​Amongst other activities planned for the gathering, there is a special treat available directly after the meeting finishes. Local tour operator and keen Cursillista, Grahame Foster, is offering a 4 day tour to Stanley and the West. Coast. Come along and enjoy great fellowship with other Cursillistas while taking in more of Tasmania's amazing scenery.
Follow the link for more information:
National Secretariat meeting 2024, Wallsend, NSW
National Secretariat participants 2024.
Follow the link for a report & photos:
Please pray for the new Cursillistas from Mx2 in July 2024.
More information:
Lew Hitchick 0427 373 446
Please pray for the new Cursillistas for 2023.
More information:
Diocesan Cursillo Ultreya
February 22nd, 2025
Hong Kong:
Please pray for the new Cursillistas from HK#6, 2023 - see photos on subpage under 'Hong Kong'.
Please pray for the new Cursillistas from MW51 in August 2024
More information:
North Queensland:
Group Reunions: Atherton Tablelands, first Saturday of month, over breakfast in the Parish Hall
Mackay, second Saturday of the month, Morning Tea and songs at St Charles, West Mackay.
Please pray for the new Cursillistas for 2024.
More Information:
Southern Queensland:
Please continue to pray for our local Cursillistas.